자율주행 자동차(3)
[자율주행 스터디] Introduction to Self-Driving cars - Week 1-3
Week 1 Course info. https://www.coursera.org/learn/intro-self-driving-cars? UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Lesson 3. Driving Decisions and Actions Contents Planning : types (window of time), examples Various decisions needed for a simple intersection scenario Type of planning Reactive Predictive Planning : Examples Making decisions Long-term (Entire driving task) (출발지에서 목적지까지의 계획) How to navigate from Ne..
2020.08.23 -
[자율주행 스터디] Introduction to Self-Driving cars - Week 1-2
Week 1 Course info. https://www.coursera.org/learn/intro-self-driving-cars? UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Lesson 2. Requirements for Perception Contents What is perception? Goals for perception Static, dynamic objects Ego requirements Challenges to perception Roughly... Input -> Perception (Analyze ego motion & environment) -> Planning (Decide on and plan a maneuver) -> Drive What is perception? We want..
2020.08.22 -
[자율주행 스터디] Introduction to Self-Driving cars - Week 1-1
Week 1 Course info. https://www.coursera.org/learn/intro-self-driving-cars? UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Lesson 1. Taxonomy of Driving Contents Basic definitions Requirements for automoation classification The driving test Taxonomy for driving automation (levels) Limitations of this taxonomy Dictionary Taxonomy : 분류, 분류 체계 Terms and Definitions Driving test Perceiving the environment (주위 환경 인식) Plannin..