[자율주행 스터디] Introduction to Self-Driving cars - Week 1-3

2020. 8. 23. 11:0004. Archives/자율주행


Week 1

Course info.

Lesson 3. Driving Decisions and Actions


  • Planning : types (window of time), examples
  • Various decisions needed for a simple intersection scenario
  • Type of planning
    • Reactive
    • Predictive

Planning : Examples

  • Making decisions

    • Long-term (Entire driving task) (출발지에서 목적지까지의 계획)
      • How to navigate from New York to L.A.
    • Short-term
      • Can I change my late to the lane right of me?
      • Can I pass this intersection and join the left road?
    • Immediate
      • Can I stay on track on this curved road?
      • Accelerate or brake, by how much?
    • Example : Turning left at an intersection
      • This was a simple maneuver, yet it takes 3~4 levels of decisions and control to execute.
  • Consider how many rules would it take to drive.

    • Safely
    • Efficiently
    • Following all listed traffic rules
    • Only follow those rules everyone else is following!

Driving decision making is complicated!

  • Rule Based Planning (Consider only current state and information)
    • What we just did was rule based planning
      • Involved decision trees!
    • In reactive rule based planning, we have rules that take into account the current state of ego and other objects and give decisions.
    • Examples:
      • If there is a pedestrian on the road, stop. (현재 상황 -> 취할 행동)
      • If speed limit changes, adjust speed to match it. (현재 상황 -> 취할 행동)

What other types of planning are there?

  • Predictive planning (Relies on accurate prediction)
    • Make predictions about other vehicles and how they are moving. Then use these predictions to inform our decisions.
    • Examples
      • That car has been stopped for the last 10 seconds. It is going to be stopped for the next few seconds.
      • Pedestrian is jaywalking. She will enter our lane by the time we reach her.


Jaywalking : 무단 횡단
