Sensor coverage in Autonomous driving(3)
[자율주행 스터디] Introduction to Self-Driving cars - Week 2-4
Week 2 - Self-Driving Hardware and Software Architectures Course info. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Lesson 4 : Environment Representation Contents Environmental Map Types Environmental Map Types Localization of the vehicle in the environment Localization point cloud or feature map to accurately estimate the precise position of vehicle at all time ..
2020.09.10 -
[자율주행 스터디] Introduction to Self-Driving cars - Week 2-3
Week 2 - Self-Driving Hardware and Software Architectures Course info. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Lesson 3 : Software Architecture Contents Describe the basic architecture of a typical self-driving software system Identify the standard software decomposition Environment Perception Environment Mapping Motion Planning Controller System Supervisor ..
2020.09.08 -
[자율주행 스터디] Introduction to Self-Driving cars - Week 2-2
Week 2 - Self-Driving Hardware and Software Architectures Course info. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Lesson 2 : Hardware Configuration Design Contents Sensor coverage requirements for differenct scenarios Highway driving Urban driving Overall coverage, blind spots Sensors Camera for appearance input Stereo camera for depth information Lidar for all..